
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Episode 83 - Living under water - understanding a new kingdom
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
In this episode, the crew discusses what it is like to live in a new kingdom, who you are in it and the rules required to bring out the best of that kingdom. We compare a recent dive trip to what it is like to be in the Kingdom of God and the roles of those guiding you into the best experience. In a new kingdom one can operate in the manner they once did, but it will not produce the results and will probably put you at risk of harm. We also look at church leadership from the perspective of guiding you into the Kingdom to have the maximum experience, rather than bringing you into what they want for you. This and much more in this discussion.
outboundlife.orgfacebook.com/outboundlifetelegram: outboundlifetelegram: mission300

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Episode 82 - The importance of ideas
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
In this episode, the crew discuss the importance of ideas and how they move us forward. We look at the mindsets that shape ideas, some good and bad. Ideas from the right source are ground breaking and it affects those around you. If there is a struggle with ideas our current view of the world around us is holding it back, thus the need for an idea. Ideas alone are not powerful until action is given to them. Discover ways in which ideas shape our world and how it a critical truth that emerges from God. It also comes with a warning that His ideas infused into you will come with an enemy.
outboundlife.orgfacebook.com/outboundlifeTelegram: outboundlifeTelegram: Mission300

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Episode 81 - Christianity - A strong man’s gospel?
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
In this episode, three of the crew take on what the character of a person looks like when they live out the Christian life. We discover it was a life to strengthen us, not to help us cope. We take on an aspect of the heroes of the faith and why we admire them, or any hero for that matter. As we look at the essence and the promises provided, we discover the heart of what it looks like to live this journey out. We discover what it really means to be empowered.
Join us on one of the best content podcasts to date.
p.s. Ladies this is for you as well.
outboundlife.orgfacebook.com/outboundlifetelegram: mission300telegram: outboundlife

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Episode 80 - Discovering the force of meaning
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
In this episode, bring together the last several episodes of habits into the reason behind the habits. The catalyst that holds it all together. We discuss the difference between setting goals and inspired objectives. We attempt to layout practical ways of discovering meaning that has changed the course of life for many on the podcast. If you are looking for a deeper sense of "Why" you may find some clarity in this episode.
outboundlife.orgfacebook.com/outboundlifeTelegram: OutboundlifeTelegram: Mission300

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Episode 79 - Tending the garden of your brain
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
In this episode, the crew culminate principles from the previous podcasts about habits, goals and identity. They bring them into a basic starting point of a habit that can shape the rest of all your habits and thoughts. We discuss our responsibility to manage our brain and utilize the metaphor of the rewilding of Yellowstone National Park when they brought the wolves back in and how it changed the landscape. The wolves do not represent a bad or good habit, just an effect of how allowing one thought or habit growing to strong can drive out the other necessary ones we need.
You will find that you have what it takes to bring your mindsets into a healthy order based on your true identity and the forces behind seeing you become what you were created to be.
Below is the link to the rewilding of Yellowstone.
outboundlife.orgfacebook.com/outboundlifeTelegram: Mission300Telegram: Outboundlife

Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Episode 78 - Discovering the satisfaction of overcoming
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
In this episode, Tommy, David, Jayson and Bryan discuss how taking the habits discussed in the previous episode and deliberatly doing small hard challenges daily produce in you a deep satisfaction. David shares how to face off against depression and win. We also break down the myth that doing something hard is doing something undesirable. The reality the opposite is true we have just let the distraction and pursuit of ease rob us from a deep biblically promised joy.
We explore how meaning in life is tied to the habits we produce. Beyond that, the positive influence on others when we develop habits that cause us to be braver than our circumstances.
Telegram: mission300
Telegram: outboundlife

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Episode 77 - Habit force and rewiring your brain
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
We introduce a new and youngest member to the podcast crew, David. He joins Jayson, Caleb, Tommy and Bryan, bringing the newest generations perspective on the world around us.
In this episode, we discuss the positive force of habits and how our brain works in rewiring towards these habits. We explore the chemical reaction of dopamine and how it was designed to create a strengthening force of our will. How when we create habits from our God given identity, we can overtime grow larger than the challenges we face. We also discuss which is more important the journey or the destination and how being off on one of these can shipwreck life all together.
Join us in this powerful episode that can habitually make your life more powerful.
telegram: outboundlife
telegram: mission300

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Episode 76 - Changing your need to into your want to
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
The truth is that you always do what you want to do, but you will not always do what you need to do. So how do we change our need to into our want to. In this episode, the crew explores this idea through several examples including Tommy's story of his first sales conference representing his company. We also explore when King David checked out from being a king and it took his military commander, Joab, to remind him who he was and his affect on the world around him. For the purpose of moving David forward into establishing the kingdom. This and more in this episode.
outboundlife.orgTelegram: mission300Telegram: outboundlifefacebook.com/outboundlife