
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Episode 75 - Taking on lions, bears and giants
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” Archilochus
In this episode, we take on the importance of smaller and deliberate victories are critical to our taking on giants. We also explore the three mindsets Jesus had to face before he launched into His ministry on the earth. For many the challenge of doing something more with their life seems overwhelming and have often met with defeat. There is a remedy to this and we look forward to your sharing our exploration.
Telegram: outboundlife
Telegram: mission300
facebook: Outboundlfe

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Episode 74 - Three life lessons that can change your life
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
In this episode, we explore three life lessons that were observed in the last three months of traveling throughout the United States.
1. Small deliberate habits make a powerful difference - Those that have habits working for them in everyday life seem to have the greatest capacity to seize new opportunities.
2. The power of relationships and the willingness to step into another persons world - Those that have strong relationships, or rather, the skills to make new meaningful relationships are often advanced further in life.
3. Being fully responsible is the core of freedom - Once one has shaken off the insecurities, childish ways and victimization they are able to own their attitude and have an internal freedom in any circumstance.
Telegram: outboundlife
Telegram: mission300

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Episode 73 - Navigating problems in life - Powerfully
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Living life also means facing problems. In this episode, we explore how Solomon tapped into a wisdom from beyond that changed not only his circumstances, but also positioned him into being an answer for others around us.
We discuss the difference between knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Explore how to grow in it and the power of owning your emotions in life. How to allow God to father us through our journey. All of this tying into our goals and dreams we have for this life.

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Episode 72 - Transitioning . . . from boys to men
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
What is a real man and how does a boy, or childish male become one? In this episode the crew goes through the character differences between a boy and a man. By using simple steps, they begin to bring about a path from boyhood to manhood. Discover the wholeness and satisfaction of this maturing process. We also discover how a society is broken, by simply removing this transition process. This and much more in this episode.
Telegram: @mission300

Monday Aug 29, 2022
Episode 71 - How does our personality affect our goals and future?
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
"Well that's just my personality!" This is a common mantra when someone is challenged on the way they are doing or handling a situation. We can also here this when there motivation to accomplish an assigned task is less than desirable.
In this episode, the crew (Jayson, Tommy, Caleb and Bryan), tackle the conversation about our personality and its affects on our future:
Is our identity and personality the same
What is the difference between character and personality
Can your personality be changed
Why would God ask us to do something that does not fit our personality profile
Have personality tests substituted what was meant to come from our Father.

Monday Aug 22, 2022
Episode 70 - What is in your hand? Unlocking your future
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Have you ever heard the statement, "If I only had..., then I could...!" In this episode, we continue around the topic of what to pursue in life and get to the basics. Moving beyond boredom, immediate gratification and grandiose ideas into real simple kingdom concepts that build the future we have been called into.
If you are wondering about your future, goals and where to start this episode will have something to unlock what is hindering you from moving forward.

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Episode 69 - Pursuing the future through God’s eyes
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
We have been inundated in our western culture about pursuing our dreams or you can be anything you want to be, etc. The one that has made a mark in the church world has been the pursuit of purpose.
In this episode, we take discuss and explore this idea from a kingdom or God perspective. What should we pursue? What is the measurement of its success? More importantly how to end your life with fulfillment and the boldness to say I have successfully finished my course.
I believe the conversation will find you stepping beyond what we have thought to have understood about this subject.

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Episode 68 - What is mentorship and its power?
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
The crew take an under the hood look at the heart of mentorship and its affect on theirs and others lives. The discussion goes into what it is and and what it is not. What is the role of the mentor and the role of a mentee? The conversation explores how to position yourself to find a mentor and how does God look at mentorship and if it is even needed. This is an important conversation for both those looking to mentor and to be mentored. We bring three generations together to explore this critical idea in this day and age.